Professor Emeritus Dorit Amir
Music Therapy: music psychotherapy, music and spirituality, music and humor, music and the holocaust, music therapy supervision, clinical work with traumatized women and PTSD, therapeutic power of musical elements, multicultural aspects of music therapy.
Music Therapy: music psychotherapy, music and spirituality, music and humor, music and the holocaust, music therapy supervision, clinical work with traumatized women and PTSD, therapeutic power of musical elements, multicultural aspects of music therapy.
Music Therapy
Amir, Dorit (1999). Meeting the Sounds. Music Therapy: Theory, Practice and Research. Ramat Gan, Israel: Bar Ilan Publishing company. (In Hebrew)
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Editing books:
Amir, Dorit & Lavi-Or, Amira (2004) (eds.). Besafa Acheret: Case Studies in the Art Therapies. Ben Shemen: Modan. (In Hebrew)
Bensimon, M. & Amir, D.(2010).Sharing my music with you: the musical presentation as a tool for exploring, examining and enhancing self-awareness in a group setting. Journal of creative behavior, 44(4). 259-278.
Amir, D. (2010). Music centered Music Therapy. Mifgash 32, 9-29. (In Hebrew).
Gilboa, A.i; Yehuda, N. & Amir, D. (2009). Let's talk music: A musical-communal project for enhancing communication among students of multi-cultural origin. The Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 18 (1), 3-31.
Amir, D. & Yair, M. (2008). Music Therapy for Children at risk living in residential care. In Susan J. Hadley, (ed.) Qualitative inquiries in music therapy: a monograph series, 4. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers. Pp113-166.
Bensimon, M.; Amir, D. & Wolf, Y. (2008).Drumming through trauma: Music therapy with post traumatic soldiers. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 35 36-48.
Amir, D. (2007). “Meine Kindheit – ich erinnere mich – ich erlebe sie erneut – ich beweine sie.“ Ravels „Bolero“ und Erinnerungen an den Holocaust. Musiktherapeutische Umschau Band 28 (2), 77-92
Bodner, E., & Iancu, I., Gilboa, A., Sarel, A., Mazor, A., & Amir, D. (2007). Finding words for emotions: The reactions of patients with major depression disorder towards various musical excerpts. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 34, 142-150.
Bodner, E., Gilboa, A., & Amir, D. (2007). The unexpected side-effects of dissonance. Psychology of Music, 35 (2), 286-305.
Gilboa, A.; Bodner, E. & Amir, D. (2006). Emotional communicability in improvised music – the case of music therapists. The Journal of Music Therapy, XLIII (3), 198-225.
Amir, D. (2005). Finding one's voice –music therapy with a girl who has Selective Mutism. Nordic Journal for Music Therapy, 14 (1), 67-77.
Amir, D. (2005). "Musical humour" in improvisational music therapy. Australian Music Therapy Journal, 16, 3-24.
Amir, D. (2004). Giving trauma a voice: the role of improvisational music therapy in exposing, dealing with and healing a traumatic experience of sexual abuse. Music Therapy Perspectives, 22(2), 96-103.
Amir D. (2001). Layers of Meaning. Dorit Amir Interviewed by Brynjulf Stige.
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 10 (2). 209-220.
Amir, D. (1999). Musical and Verbal Interventions in Music Therapy. The Journal of Music Therapy, 36 (2) 144-175.
Amir, D. (1997). Understanding the Role of Folksongs in Jewish-Israeli Culture: Implications for Music Therapy. The World of Music, 39 (1), 111-127.
Amir, D. (1996). Music Therapy – Holistic Model. Music Therapy, 14 (1), 22-31.
Amir, D. (1995). Moments of Insight in the Music therapy Process. Music Therapy, 12 (1), 85-101.
Amir, D. (1994). Music Therapy in Israel. In Lisa Summer, (Ed.), Music Therapy International Report, 9. American Association for Music Therapy, 35-37.
Amir, D. (1994). Qualitative Research in Music Therapy - Response to Comments. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 3 (1), 37-38.
Amir, D. (1993). Research in Music Therapy: Quantitative or Qualitative? Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 2 (2), 3-10.
Amir, D. (1993). Music Therapy-Holistic Model. Therapy Through the Arts, 1(2). Tel Aviv, Israel (in Hebrew).
Amir D. (1992). Phenomenology as a Basis for Finding Meaning in the Music Therapy Process. Therapy Through the Arts, 1(1). Tel Aviv, Israel (in Hebrew).
Amir, D.(1990). A Song is Born: Discovering Meaning in Improvised Songs through a Phenomenological Analysis of Two Music Therapy Sessions with a Traumatic Spinal Cord Injured Young Adult. Music Therapy 9(1). 62-81.
Chapters in books:
Amir, D. (2006). Awakening the "wild woman" – Feministic Music Therapy with women who suffered trauma in their lives. In Susan Hadley, (ed.) "Feminist Voices in Music Therapy." Philadelphia, PA: Barcelona Publishers.
Amir, D. (2005). The Therapeutic Value of Musical Elements and Instruments in Western Music Psychotherapy. In T. V. Sairam (ed.) Music Therapy, the Sacred, and the Profane. Chennai, India: Nada Centre for Music Therapy. Pp 4-9.
Amir, D. (2005). Grounded Theory. In B. L. Wheeler, (ed.). Music Therapy Research, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Barcelona Publishers. Pp 365-378.
Amir, D. (2004). Community Music Therapy and the Challenge of Multiculturalism. In G. Ansdel & M. Pavlicevic (eds.) Community Music Therapy. London: JKP.
Amir, D. (2004). Music Therapy Dialogues In: Amir, Dorit & Lavi-Or, Amira (eds.). Besafa Acheret: Case Studies in the Arts Therapies. Ben Shemen: Modan. Accepted for publication. (In Hebrew)
Amir, D. (2002). Music Therapy in Israel. In: C. Kenny and B. Stige (eds.)
Contemporary Voices in Music Therapy: Communication, Culture, and Community.
Oslo, NO: Unipub forlag.
Amir, D. (2001). The Journey of Two: Supervision for the New Music Therapist Working in an Educational Setting. In M.Forinash (Ed.) Music Therapy Supervision
Pp 163-178
Amir, D. (1999). Tales from the Therapy Room. In Julie Hibben (ed.). Inside Music Therapy: Client Experiences. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers, pp267-276.
Amir, D. (1998). The Use of Israeli Folksongs in Dealing with Women's Bereavement and Loss in Music Therapy. In Ditty Dokter (ed.) Arts Therapies, Refugees and Migrants. Reaching Across Borders. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pp 217-235.
Amir, D. (1996). Experiencing Music Therapy: Meaningful Moments in the Music Therapy Process. In Mechtild Langenberg, Kenneth Aigen & Jorge Frommer (eds.) Qualitative Music Therapy Research. Phoenixville, PA: Barcelona Publishers, pp 109-130.
Amir, D. (1996). Issues in Qualitative Research - A Personal Journey. In Mechtild Langenberg, Kenneth Aigen & Jorge Frommer (eds.) Qualitative Music Therapy Research. Phoenixville, PA: Barcelona Publishers, pp 213-224.
Amir, D. (1995). On Sound, Music, Listening and Music Therapy. In Carolyn Kenny (ed.) Listening, Playing, Creating - Essays on the Power of Sound. New York: SUNY, pp 51-58.
Last Updated Date : 29/08/2022