
The Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Musicology is intended for students who have already gained research experience in a Master's degree in musicology and wish to broaden their knowledge and deepen their expertise in their field of study. The main component of the degree is the doctoral dissertation, alongside 16-12 credits (8-6 weekly hours) of frontal courses, which include a mandatory colloquium course, a mandatory research methods course, and additional courses recommended by the supervisor. The PhD must be completed within 4 years.

The admission process begins with an interview with Professor Avi Galboa to review previous studies and determine eligibility for doctoral studies in the department. After his approval, the candidate must register at the university and wait for an invitation from the department for a departmental committee meeting, which includes the department head, the program head, and the department secretary, with the candidate present. During this meeting, the committee decides whether there is a need for additional coursework, an equivalent thesis, and the selection of the dissertation advisors. After the departmental committee's approval, the student can begin writing the research proposal. It is important to start the registration process no later than June to allow time for data collection, the committee meeting, and the start of studies in October of the same year.

Candidates who have completed a Master's degree without a thesis will be required to write an equivalent work before beginning their doctoral dissertation. It is recommended that this work be related to the planned PhD topic in order to avoid redundant work. The equivalent thesis must be completed within one year, after which the doctoral dissertation can be written (an additional 4 years).

For more details, please contact Professor Avi Galboa.

Forms for the PhD are available through the Bar-Ilan University system.