Prof. Elena Reikher (Temin)
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1985 PhD in musicology, St. Petersburg (Leningrad) State Conservatoire.
Thesis title “Teoreticheskie voprosi vzaimodeistviya muzikal`nikh sistem ustnoy i kompozitorskoy traditsiy v regione Vostoka” [Theoretical Questions of Interaction of the Traditional and Art Musical Systems in the Orient].
1981-1984 Post graduate studies in the Tashkent State Conservatoire, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Graduated
with highest honors.
1974-1979 B.A and M.A in Theory and History of Music in the faculty of Theory of Music and
Composition in the Tashkent State Coservatoire, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Graduated with highest honors.
1970-1971 Mussorgsky Musical College, Department of the Theory of Music, Astrakhan, Russia.
1972-1973 Hamza Musical College, Department of the Theory of Music, Tashket, Uzbekistan. Graduated
with highest honors.
Theory of Music, the traditional and art music of Central Asia, the traditional music of Bukharan Jews.
2000-2012 (Bar Ilan University)
Listening Tests (מבחני האזנה)
Ear Training
Harmony on the Keyboard and Score Reading (הרמוניה ליד המקלדת וקריאת פרטיטורות)
Traditional Music of Central Asia – Theory and Genres
1979- 1992 (Tashkent State Conservatoire)
Practical Harmony
Books (as author)
Traditional Songs of the Bukharan Jews. Israel: The Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University, 2014.
The Muhtar Ashrafi Museum. Guide-book (Russian, Uzbek, English).Tashkent: Ministry of Culture of Uzbek SSR, n.d.
Books (as editor)
Voprosї metodiki prepodavaniya muzїkalnїkh distsiplin (Issues of Teaching Methods of Musical Disciplines). Lectures. Tashkent: Ministry of Culture of Uzbek SSR, Educational-Methodical Center, 1991.
Articles in Books
Reikher (Temin), Elena. 2014. “Professionalism in the Musical Tradition of the Bukharan Jews: its Roots, Hypotheses, Facts” in Golda Akhiezer, Reuven Enoch and Sergei Weinstein eds., Studies in Caucasian, Georgian, and Bukharan Jewry: Historical, Sociological, and Cultural Aspects. Ariel: Ariel University, Institute for Research of Jewish Communities of Caucasus and Central Asia, pp. 52-81.
Reikher (Temin), Elena. 2014. “Bukharskiye evrei v muzykal`noy kul`ture Credney Azii (sovetskiy period)” (“Bukharan Jews in the Musical Culture of Central Asia: the Soviet Period”) in Chana Tolmas, and Markiel Fazylov eds., Vremya sobirat` almazy, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference “Bukharskiye evrei: actual`niye voprosy istorii i kul`tury” (‘Bukharan Jews: Topical Issues of their History and Culture’), Israel, September 12-15, 2014. Israel: World Bukharian Jewish Congress, Forum History Researchers, pp. 204-210.
“Brit-Milah Songs of the Bukharian Jews: Genres and Musical Style.” In Garment and Core. Jews and their Musical Experiences, ed. Eitan Avitsur, Marina Ritzarev & Edwin Seroussi. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2012, pp. 113-33.
Bukhara - Musical Tradition. In Encyclopaedia Judaica, eds. Michael Berenbaum and Fred Scolnik. Vol.4. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007, pp. 264-265.
“On the Family-Event Songs of the Bukharan Jews (a Preliminary Survey)”. In Bukharan Jews. History, Language, Literature, Culture. Israel: World Bukharian Jewish Congress, 2006, pp. 161-169.
“Teoriya i praktika v muzikal`nїkh uchebnїkh zavedeniyakh” (“Theory and Practice in Music Education”). In Voprosї metodiki prepodavaniya muzїkal`nїkh distsiplin. Lectures. Tashkent: Ministry of Culture of Uzbek SSR, Educational-Methodical Center, 1991, pp. 83-102.
“O spetsificheskikh fakturnїkh yavleniyakh v proizvedeniyakh kompozitorov Vostoka” (“On the Specific Textural Features in the Music of the Oriental Composers”). In Teoreticheskie problemї vneevropeyskikh muzїkal`nikh kul`tur. Moscow: Gnesins State Musical-Pedagogical Institute, 1983, pp. 130-140.
“O polikmodalnїkh vїsotnikh organizatsiyakh v proizvedeniyakh kompozitorov Vostoka” (“Polymodal Structures in the Music of the Oriental Composers”). In Voprosї teorii muzїki i ispolnitel`stva na sovremennom etape. Tashkent: Tashkent State University, 1983, pp. 22-32.
”O nekotorїkh tochkakh soprikosnoveniya vostochnoy i sovremennoy evropeyskoy muzїkal`nikh sistem” (“On Some Common Points Between the Oriental and Contemporary European music”). In Aktual`nїe problemї sovremennoy muzїki . Tashkent: Tashkent State University, 1981, pp. 21-33.
Articles in Periodicals
“Bukharan Jews in the Art Music of Central Asia”. In Musica Judaica, XIX (5770), 2009-10, pp. 137-170.
“The Female Sozanda Art from the Viewpoint of Professionalism in the Musical Tradition: A Preliminary Survey”. In Musica Judaica, XVIII (5766), 2005-06, pp. 70-86.
“Le tiuda shel hashira haamamit shel ehudey buhara – mimzaim rishonim” (“Toward Documentation of Folk Singing of the Bukharan Jews – the First Finds”). In Pe'amim. Studies in Oriental Jewry, 104, 2005, pp. 115-123. Israel.
“Pesennїy fol`klor bukharskikh ievreev” (“Folk Songs of the Bukharan Jews”). In Tsentralnaya Aziya i Kavkaz (Journal “Central Asia and Caucasus”), 1(2), 1999, pp. 193-197. Sweden.
“Grani tvorchestva: shtrikhi k portretu Muhtara Ashrafi” (“Aspects of Creativity: Touches to the Portrait of Mukhtar Ashrafy”). In Zvezda Vostoka (Journal of the Union of Writers of Uzbek SSR), 7, 1982, pp. 168-171. Uzbekistan.
“O fakturnoy organizatsii vostochnoy monodii” (“Texture of the Oriental Monody”). Moscow: NIO Informkul`tura, Lenin State Library, No. 340, 1982 (September 21).
Published Thesis and Abstracts
“Teoreticheskie voprosї vzaimodeistviya muzikal`nikh sistem ustnoy i kompozitorskoy traditsiy v regione Vostoka” (“Theoretical Issues of Interaction of the Traditional and Art Musical Systems in the Orient”). Abstract of the Ph. D. dissertation. 1984. Leningrad: Leningrad State Conservatory.
“Ob odnom fakturnom printsipe vostochnoy monodii i ego pretvorenii v fakture proizvedeniy kompozitirov Vostoka” (“On Certain Textural Principle of Oriental Monody and its implementation in the Art Music”). In Tezisi dokladov V iskusstvovedcheskoy konferentsii molodїkh uchionїkh. Tashkent: Publishing House of TsK LKSM of Uzbek SSR, 1983, pp. 119-122.
“O nekotorїkh svoistvakh vostochnogo natural`noladovogo mnogogolosiya v aspekte yavleniy sovremennoy garmonii” (“On Some Properties of the Modal Structures of Oriental Polyphony in Terms of the Phenomena of Modern Harmony”). In Kratkiye tezisї dokladov IV iskusstvovedcheskoy nauchno-teoreticheskoy konferentsii molodїkh uchionїkh. Tashkent: Publishing House of TsK LKSM of Uzbek SSR, 1981, pp. 47-49.
“Bukharskiye evrei v muzykal`noy kul`ture Credney Azii (sovetskiy period)” (“Bukharan Jews in the Musical Culture of Central Asia: the Soviet Period”) in “Bukharskiye evrei: actual`niye voprosy istorii i kul`tury” (“Bukharan Jews: Topical Issues of their History and Culture”), Sixth International Conference, World Bukharian Jewish Congress, Forum History Researchers, Israel, September 12-15, 2014.
"המקצוענות המוזיקלית באומנות ה"סוזנדה" של נשים בוכריות", ב"יהודי בוכרה", יום עיון ,מכובן צבי לחקר קהילות ישראל במזרח, יד יצחק בן צבי והאוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, ירושלים, 4 בפברואר 2009.
“The folk-songs of the Bukharan Jews” in Irano-Judaica, Fourth International Conference, Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East of Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, July 12-15, 1998.
Last Updated Date : 29/08/2022