ד"ר רחל קולנדר
קורות חיים
Lecturer. Musicologist and ethnomusicologist with special interest in Jewish music, Karaite music, women and music in jewish societies, music in Europe 1935-45.
Teaching Positions:
Bar-Ilan University, department of music, department of communication; Oranim College; Talpiot College; Jerusalem Girls College (Michlala);
Highschools "Emuna" and "Dror".
Research grants, awards (selection):
Two funds of the Israel Science Foundation: 1993-on Karaite music, 1998 – on Jewish music of Afghany women (with Dr. Yael Shai).
Two funds of Dahan Foundation, with Dr. Yael Shai: 2001, 2002.
Two funds of Ihel Foundation, with Dr. Yael Shai: 1997, 1998.
Research grants, awards (selection):
Two funds of the Israel Science Foundation: 1993-on Karaite music, 1998 – on Jewish music of Afghany women (with Dr. Yael Shai).
Two funds of Dahan Foundation, with Dr. Yael Shai: 2001, 2002.
Two funds of Ihel Foundation, with Dr. Yael Shai: 1997, 1998.
Publications (selection):
"Selichot Prayers and their Music in the Karaite Community in Israel," Pe`amim 32 (1987); "Synthesis of east and west repertoires in the teaching of musical traditions," Talpiot College Annual (1989-90); "The Liturgical Musical Heritage of the Karaite Community in Israel," Proceedings of the 11th Congress of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem 1994); "The Hierarchy of Fast Events and its Reflection in the music of the Karaite Synagogue Prayers," Orbis Musicae 11 (1993-94); "Ki Eshmera Shabbath – Source, content, form and tune," Mechkarei Chag 8 (1996); Studies in Socio-Musical Sciences. Co-editor with Prof. J. Braun, Prof. U. Sharvit, Dr. Yael Shai. (Bar-Ilan, 1998); "Patterns of Social Organization in the Sabbath and Holy Day Services of the Karaite community in Israel," Asian Music 30/2 (1999); "Women and Music in Jewish Society: Shaping Women`s role in the musical traditions in Israel," Jewish Women in the Yishuw and Zionism: A Gender Perspective. Ed. by M. Shilo et al, (Jerusalem, 2001); "Melodic Patterns in Karaite Music: Past and Present," Karsite Judaism: A Guide to its History and Literary Sources". Ed. by M. Plliack, (Leiden and Boston, 2003); "The Text and event in the liturgy and paraliturgy of the Karaite jews, and their performance practice," in Honor of Avigdor Herzog, Duchan 16 (2005); "Women and Music in Jewish Society: Woman's Role in Music tradition in Israel," Engendering Zionizm: Jewish Women in Pre-State Israel: Life, politics and Culture. ed. by R. Kark, M. Shilo and G. Hasan-Rokem. Brandeis University Press (In Press).
Two video films (with Dr. Yael Shai on the musical heritage of the women of Afghanistan and Lybia.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 11/02/2024